I miss you but goodbye.
Mr. H, I’m sorry I didn’t make you happy. I’m sorry I didn’t love you enough. & because I want you to be happy and I want you to feel...

Our Public Life.
Me - Hair: Navy+Copper - Lungo @C88 Lingerie: * Vanilla Bae * Lauren Top & Panty @Equal10 Pose: Foxcity. Milk Bath vol:2 - 4 Decor -...

Rachel's B'day
Skin: .:[PUMEC] :. - .:ASHA:. / @PowderPack APRIL Ears: .:[PUMEC] :. - - Bohemian @Cosmo Necklace: amias - HELLE - @Cosmo Hair: Bold &...

Trying to get back.
Hello Lovelies! <3 First of all, I want to apologize for taking all this time to get back with the blog, but I'm going through a very...

Look #1 Necklaces: MINIMAL - Ollie @N21 Hair: .:EMO-tions:. * CHELSEA * @Cosmo Top: Blueberry - Loli - Hoodie Pants: _CandyDoll_ Lora...

At Bakery
Look #1 _CandyDoll_ Raquel Heels REIGN.- RUNMAN -#12 @Rewind Hair: MINA - Shelley - @Ultra Jeans: L&B Swear Moto Denim @Ultra Top": L&B...