Another xmas alone.
VINYL - Spice Holiday Dress - Freya @Access ROSSI. 90's Baby Necklace set @Access Essenz - Managua @Access Mug - Noel Ears #BESOM...

My hidden life.
Hair: DOUX - Natti @G-Mall Body: Blueberry - Frappe - Bodysuits *NEW* Rollers: Astralia - Y2K Roller Skates @Rewind Accessories - Decor...

Trying to get back.
Hello Lovelies! <3 First of all, I want to apologize for taking all this time to get back with the blog, but I'm going through a very...

About saturday night
Style #1 - Hair: *TKW* Necke @Cosmo Top: CandyDoll - Mala @Epiphany Body: CandyDoll - Mala @Epiphany Boots: CandyDoll - Mala RARE...

Want some?
A R T E - Fairy Eyes & Shadows @Cosmo Hair: lock&tuft - hype - pushed back @TSS ::C'est la vie!:: gamaguchi(dot black) @TSS 4th...

Preparing for halloween.
- HQ - Scene - 03 MI Witch Spider Webs 1 [3 LI] @Cosmo 06 MI Trick or Treat Candy Pot [3 LI] @Cosmo 11 MI The Three Witches [10 LI] RARE...

Saturday night.
Style #1 - [Avenge] Hamsa earrings @TC4 Hair: DOUX - Margaret *NEW* Bracelet : [MANDALA]Chunkeeey OSMIA - Black heart - Choker Dress:...

Style #1- Hair: Sintiklia - Hair Jasmine Jacket: AMITOMO / Outside Gacha @K9 Jeans: .:MAI BILAVIO:. BRITISH-LOVAH @K9 Sandals: #EMPIRE -...

Planning a perfect road trip.
Me - Scarf: Genesis Lab. - "Sweet Sensations" - Scarf 'Green' @Arcade Head: Genesis_Head_Ariana_3.2 Bento @Arcade Skin: 02...

Together we are stronger!
Me - Top: *EB* Top - Aqua - " Riha" - @Cosmo Shorts: KHOI + REP - Boxing Shorts Pink" Towel: *_M.birdie Story_* school gym suit set_Towel...