Our Public Life.
Me - Hair: Navy+Copper - Lungo @C88 Lingerie: * Vanilla Bae * Lauren Top & Panty @Equal10 Pose: Foxcity. Milk Bath vol:2 - 4 Decor -...
Hair: Moon. Hair // - Imagination @Equal10 [may] *NOW OPEN* Top & Pants: SPIRIT - Jimi outfit @Collabor88 [May] Pose: #4 <K&S> x ~MR~ In...
Winners find a way, losers an excuse.
Skin: .:[PUMEC] :. - .:Nicole:. - (Catwa) @MainStore Ears: .:[PUMEC] :. - Bohemian @Cosmo Top: 2.EVANI - Sommer [Rose hearts]...
Happy Monday :)
.:vilena:. - Ripped Front Jeans @K9 .:villena:. - Turtleneck & Gem Bra @K9 RAMA.SALON - Melanie Hair @Epi RAMA - Festival Face Jewel @Epi...
Me and my little princess.
Skin: Egozy.Anjali *Catwa Necklace: Kibitz - Arleen necklace - copper @TSS Hair: [monso] My Hair - Jessica @C88 Bra: SPIRIT - Lucy outfit...
On Liberty
Hair: Doe: Emma - @TSS Lipstick: Moccino Beaute - Miss Amor Lipstick Collection Tattoo: *Bolson / - Odric Mouth stick & Hand: Pewpew!...
New intentions.
Hair: Moon. Hair // - Dolly @The Liaison Collaborative Skin: Lefort by Revoul. Mia #Catwa (Im using Mia Shape slightly edited by me, the...
No Roots...
I like digging holes and, hiding things inside them When I grow old, I hope I won't forget to find them Cause, I've got memories and...
I dont want to be rude, but...
Top: Addams // Misteriosa Crop Laced Top @C88 SPIRIT - Peepa overall @C88 Hair: Tableau Vivant \\ Silvana @C88 Accessories- Astralia -...
Season II Return.
Hair: Stealthic - Passion @C88 *New* Necklace: [Avenge] Balls necklace @TresChic *New* Purse: Mowie. - "Larnia" Bag @TresChic *New* Top:...