Our Public Life.
Me - Hair: Navy+Copper - Lungo @C88 Lingerie: * Vanilla Bae * Lauren Top & Panty @Equal10 Pose: Foxcity. Milk Bath vol:2 - 4 Decor -...

Rachel's B'day
Skin: .:[PUMEC] :. - .:ASHA:. / @PowderPack APRIL Ears: .:[PUMEC] :. - - Bohemian @Cosmo Necklace: amias - HELLE - @Cosmo Hair: Bold &...

Winners find a way, losers an excuse.
Skin: .:[PUMEC] :. - .:Nicole:. - (Catwa) @MainStore Ears: .:[PUMEC] :. - Bohemian @Cosmo Top: 2.EVANI - Sommer [Rose hearts]...

Keep your head up....
Hair: RAMA.SALON - Julie Hair 'EXCLUSIVE' @Fameshed Addams // Dinorah Romper *NEW* Pose: [ Focus Poses ] Spring Day @SpringFlair -...

Weekend with bae.
Lipstick: Moccino - La Creme Lipstick Collection Hair: RAMA.SALON - Diana Hair 'EXCLUSIVE' @Blush Lingerie & Dress: SPIRIT - Julia outfit...

the stars each night...
If people sat outside and looked at the stars each night, I'll bet they'd live a lot differently. Hair: RAMA.SALON - Sarah @ShinyShabby...

My heart says-
My heart Says: Eat more Ice-Cream. <--- Skin: Lefort by Revoul.Demi Tone 2 @Bloom Hair: Opale . Tati @Bloom Leggings: Rebel Gal -...

Sister don't need words.
<-- My Hair: RAMA.SALON - Gina Hair 'EXCLUSIVE' @Epiphany #April'18 Yuna's Credits: #HerFlickr Background: Exposeur - Symi - Pink/Green...

Happy Monday :)
.:vilena:. - Ripped Front Jeans @K9 .:villena:. - Turtleneck & Gem Bra @K9 RAMA.SALON - Melanie Hair @Epi RAMA - Festival Face Jewel @Epi...

Hair: RAMA.SALON - Kathleen Hair 'EXCLUSIVE' @BlackFair eyes: Kuriko-osina rose eyes4(catwa) @SeasonsStory Eye Makeup: UniCult - Day...