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Live for today, plan for tomorrow, party tonight

Writer's picture: Katy HastingsKaty Hastings

Me -

Head: Strong by #Genus Project - at @MainStore

Lipstick: #TRESBEAU MAKEUP YUM YUM PACK - at @MainStore

Hair: #StudioExposure HELLO GORGEOUS PONYTAIL - at @MainStore

Earrings: #REVOUL x #Arcade Cigaring - at #Arcade @Taxi

Necklace: #Kibitz - Your babygirl

Hat: #VRSION KNV34 Bucket Hat BB - at #Anthem @Taxi

Jacket: #SPIRIT - Donna - at #Anthem @Taxi

Corset: -#Pixicat- Banshee.Dress

(This corset is part of the Banshee Dress, you can wear each piece alone.) at - #C88

Pants: Addams // Piper Leather Pants - at @MainStore

Boots: #Addams // Piper - at @MainStore

Clutch: [#DDL] Dream - at @MainStore

Ster -

Top: #Loki - Lola Pierced Tee

Hair: #Foxy - Darling. - at MainStore

Jeans: #RKKN. Amelia's Jeans Blue w/Prints - at MainStore

Glasses: -#MONCADA PARIS- Eclipse Eyewear - at MainStore


Bag: [DDL] Wannabe (HW Special Edition) - at @MainStore

Pose: #FOXCITY. Indian Summer - at #Kustom9 @Taxi (Start 15th)

Backdrop: MINIMAL - Berlin Graffiti Corner - at #Uber @Taxi


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