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Hair: Lovey Dovey :: Nina @Access

Lipstick: L.W LIQUID /GLOSS @Access

Eyes: LOTUS. Ozonic Eyes @Access

Outfit: ..S..: Mission Bodysuit - Ink @Access

Shoes: [ VERSOV ] DINAROV_CHERRY_ @Equal10


earring: VOBE - Xanax Gold @Access

Necklace: VOBE - Xanax Gold @Access

Bag: 7;] 7ior Saddle Bag - LimitedRasta\Gold @Access

Pose: InPulse - Pose 05 @PoseFair

Decor around us -

I'm seated on- OLQINU : summer killer <tokyo tropical night neon sign> @TSS

:::ChicChica::: Bottle @Equal10

:::ChicChica::: TakeAway Wider @Equal10

Backgdrop: OKUMA - NEON SPACE STUDIO @Access

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