Working Day.
Skin: 08 GENUS Skin Applier /NATALY - CHAMPAGNE/ MakeUp 8 @Epiphany Hair: RAMA.SALON - (Donna Hair) #Gacha @Epiphany 3. S&P Paintball...

If you had one wish, what would it be?
Addams // Lillian Jumpsuit *NEW* Hair: RAMA.SALON - Stella Hair 'EXCLUSIVE @Blush Eyelids: Lefort by Revoul - Glossy Mesh Lids @LOOKBOOK...

If they breathe they live...
If they breathe they live, If they live they feel. If they feel they love, If they love they are aware. If they are aware they have a...

Gemma & Kylie
Style I Hair: RAMA.SALON - Carrie @ShinyShabby Sweater: Addams // Trisha Ripped Sweater *new* Skirt: .:villena:. - Denim Belt Skirt @N21...

We got all we need.
Style I - <- Hair: RAMA.SALON - Cherry Hair 'EXCLUSIVE' @Blush Top: OSMIA - Tana.Activewear.Outfit @Equal10 Pants: SPIRIT - Dila outfit ...

Anywhere with you is home.
Him - Outfit: GUTCHI - Streetwear 1.024 Premium @TMD #May Beard x Tattoos: [Hipster Style] Colin2 COMBO Ears: UNISEX[MANDALA]SIMPLE ...

At Buhayra Lounge
Skin: .:[PUMEC] :. - .:Glory:. #Vista Ears: .:[PUMEC] :. - / Mesh Ears\ - Wild Rose @Cosmo Hair: DOUX - Fiona @Dubai Nose Ring: #187#...